Laravel for Enterprise Application Development: Why Laravel is the Best Choice?

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Laravel for Enterprise Application Development: Why Laravel is the Best Choice?

Laravel enterprise application development

Laravel PHP Framework is a Unanimous Choice for Enterprise App Development 

Enterprise application development is complex. When business enterprises think of business apps, they need to look at different factors, such as tech stack, scope, cost, planning, development, testing, execution, launching, delivery, and post-release support. Enterprises face lots of hidden app development challenges if they are not technology-conscious. When it comes to solving app complexities with flexible features using a reliable open-source PHP framework, Laravel emerges as the best choice. Read ahead to learn about how Laravel transforms the app development process and gives businesses added benefits in the real world.   

Introduction to Laravel

Laravel is a top framework preferred by app developers, and it has about 37.50% market share. Based on the Model View Controller architecture pattern, the Laravel framework is popular for its inherent features, packages, resources, and tools that smoothen enterprise application development. It lets developers build scalable apps quickly owing to its simple, elegant, and extensive documentation. Laravel enterprise application development matters with features:

  • Blade templating engine
  • Eloquent ORM
  • MVC architecture
  • Robust testing framework

When it comes to managing large datasets or building complex business processes, the flexibility, security, and simplicity of Laravel let developers build efficient enterprise apps as per changing app development needs. In addition, it handles added loads without compromising unique performance.

Key Challenges in Enterprise App Development

The process of building enterprise apps is both challenging and complex. Some of the major app development challenges include

  • Frequently changing business requirements
  • Higher development time and costs that affect time to market
  • Managing enterprise data growing at a rapid rate
  • Post-development support and maintenance from IT vendors
  • Security violations in application development
  • Technological advancements to cater to growing end-user and market demands
  • Third-party integrations to application infrastructure
  • User interface design complexities affecting overall user experience

Laravel is capable of solving those challenges by achieving scalability, creating robust logic, offloading complex tasks, addressing technical vulnerabilities, integrating enterprise apps with 3rd party systems, and modifying user authentication. 

Benefits of Laravel for enterprises

When you think of Laravel vs. other frameworks for enterprise apps, you find Laravel beneficial for app development. Thanks to Laravel’s main attractions of scalability, security, performance, and flexibility. Business enterprises looking for robust app development can do wonders with key characteristics of the Laravel framework, designed for enterprise solutions.

  • Automation of common development tasks with Laravel’s Artisan CLI.
  • Better code organization and maintenance with MVC architecture, ensuring enhanced scalability.
  • Built-in support for localization and internationalization for developers, ensuring easy translation.
  • Creation of reusable and modular templates with the blade templating engine.
  • Defining authentication logic using Laravel’s assistance for enterprise apps.
  • Easier automation of repetitive tasks using the task scheduling feature.
  • Easier database operations with increased productivity through eloquent ORM.
  • Easier error identification and addressing with error and exception handling feature.
  • Effortless writing of unit tests using Laravel’s testing framework.
  • Enhanced app performance with caching technology to deduct registration overhead costs.
  • HTTP route handling with easy-to-understand syntax for route definition.
  • Reduced database loads and higher data retrieval times with flexible caching systems.
  • Total, timely, and unbiased support via an engaged community of developers.

Why Laravel is best for enterprise applications

Laravel PHP framework characteristics like authentication, authorization, blade templating engine, caching, eloquent ORM, MVC architecture, routing, testing, queues, and job scheduling make the PHP framework a perfect choice for building scalable Laravel enterprise apps.

Rapid application development is a unique attribute of Laravel that lets developers make the app development process fast with decreased development time and effort. Laravel security features for enterprise apps ensure protection against vulnerabilities, like SQL injection attacks, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Laravel smartly accommodates enterprise applications’ requirements, such as high traffic loads and large user bases, with higher scalability. It also supports horizontal scaling to distribute apps across many servers. Moreover, Laravel’s robust ORM can manage databases easily and manipulate data. With added attributes like community support and 3rd party integration, Laravel gives developers total control over the software development process. That is why enterprise software development with Laravel is easy.

Real World Examples of Laravel Adoption

According to a study by BuiltWith, Laravel continues to be a pivotal PHP framework. It is also a dominant app and web development tool. The study also shows that about 1,723,068 websites have been built using Laravel. Right now, Laravel empowers about 743,470 websites. Enhanced security, quality, convenience, seamless integration, and enhanced development speeds make Laravel the first choice of developers.

Laravel secures the top position among the top five PHP frameworks. When you look at Laravel usage statistics across industries, you will find that the computer and technology sector prefers to use Laravel the most. It has about 5.32% market share. On the other hand, Laravel allures the science and education sector with 3.26%.

Although there is a long list of the best applications built with the Laravel framework, we are sharing a few of them. These include Barchart, Camber, Creative Spaces, Faith Properties, FusionInvoice, Invicta Watch Group, Koel, Laravel Snippets, Morgans Hotel Group, MyRank, Neighbourhood Lender, Rocket Rubbers, Specfox,, Studio Stomp, Toyota Hall of Fame, and World Walking.

The added benefit of Laravel performance optimization for enterprises gives Laravel apps a competitive edge. Laravel enterprise application architecture allows developers to build and develop feature-rich, productive, and dynamic web apps. The framework also ensures developers have an intuitive user experience (UX) and enterprise-ready performance through its robust apps.


With the above discussion, it is right to go with Laravel for large-scale applications. With loads of features, attractions, and benefits, Laravel PHP apps promise added advantages to both app developers and business owners. Laravel apps cater to all changing business, development, market, and tech needs perfectly. That is why professional and experienced developers prefer to go with Laravel.

Business enterprises looking for custom enterprise solutions with Laravel need Laravel enterprise app development services.

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