What are The Best Killer Plugins for WordPress?

What are The Best Killer Plugins for WordPress
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What are The Best Killer Plugins for WordPress?

What are The Best Killer Plugins for WordPress

Yoast:  This most popular plugin can be used for search engine optimization (SEO) and higher site ranking. Yoast is loaded with great advice and guidelines for better SEO work and tweaking your posts to see the best outcomes for Google.

SEO Title Tag: This plugin is an outstanding solution to optimize and customize every title tag on your blog.

Responsive Lightbox: It is one of the best plugin used to manage images in a Lightbox popup, in an exciting view. It also loaded with a download button, share buttons, zoom, and full-screen options. The thumbnails are located in the bottom and they are navigated both with arrows or keyboard.

best killer plugins for WordPress

Responsive Photo Gallery: This is for adding images on your blog or any other WordPress website.

W3 Total Cache: It is the best tool for optimizing website load speeds through caching and also applied to every online store by the eCommerce website Development Company in Delhi to get higher performance.

Meta Robots Plugin: Though this plugin you can add Meta robot tags to your pages in WordPress.

Google XML Sitemap Generator:  This must have a plugin for any WordPress blog. It provides benefits of every aspect of SEO for their blog, including making Google happy by submitting proper sitemaps. It’s easy to implement.

SEO Slugs: This SEO plugin removes words like “the”, “a”, “in”, and related words from your post slugs. To build the most SEO friendly post and to improve SEO performance it is a must. So if you really want to improve your SEO services then must use this plugin.

Swifty Bar: This light weighted plugin adds a sticky bar to the bottom of your posts and works amazingly on desktop and mobile screen sizes. You can illustrate your visitors the title of your post, category, and share buttons etc, including associations (links) to next and previous post.

Popularity Contest: The plugin gives a weighting to each post based on different features and ranks them in a fine listing of well-liked posts.

SEO Framework: This is one of the best SEO plugins out, especially for beginners. This plugin offers advanced SEO options for which you will require a free extension — Extension Manager. It also comes with the paid option.

Outstanding Bar: It collects email addresses in a non-annoying manner.

CoSchedule: It is the best tool for your social media marketing manager. Get the social media calendar for your website with Co-scheduled.

Give WP: We always heard that create a blog or website for money but this powerful; community of WordPress also has arranges for non-profit website/blog. You don’t need to visit a third-party website for making payments as Give WP can also accept donations and can offer you seamless experience.

Redirection:  It is a very important plugin that can be useful to manage different redirects. This plugin will support Apache and WordPress-based redirections. Error pages can drop your traffic so make sure you are applying this plugin to give better performance.


Nofollow Case by Case: This plugin will allow you to eradicate the no follow feature from specific comments as well as let you nofollow specific comments. This is a good way to keep the spamming noobs away.

Popularity Contest: To check which posts are the most popular on your blog, this plugin is made for that.

Google+ comments: To add the Google+ comments system to your WordPress site without any hassle you can apply this plugin to your website. You can also insert the comment box as a shortcode into any post, page, or template.

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2 responses to “What are The Best Killer Plugins for WordPress?”
  1. Atul Host Avatar

    You must include one more plugin which name is broken link checker, because as you grow there is high chance that you do not update old posts and sometimes there are many broken links.

    1. I agreed with you. I will update the list again.

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